Parli Italiano? School life in Milazzo (WL 11)
Our skipper trainer Hans left us on Saturday. The weather was rainy and unsteady. Thunderstorms came our way and staying in the port was the best idea, although we had a very roly place at Marina Poseidon. Finally on Sunday…
How to dock a boat and other useful learnings (WL 10)
The crossing to Sicily was a long, but calm passage. We decided to split it halfways and stay overnight on anchor. In the south of Italy you do not have a lot of possibilities: hardly no marinas or anchorages. So…
A week in Roccella Ionica (IT) (WL 9)
After our passage from Greece we arrived in Rocella Ionica during night time. We got a nice spot along the pier and decided on the first day to stay longer than only 2 nights. That had several reasons. First of…
A lot of challenges during our last days in Greece! (WL 8)
A busy week was ahead of us: another boat works at Levkas Marina and Stefanie had an online workshop to lead Tuesday to Thursday. That was the reason why we booked several days. On Monday, 23rd August we did about…
Night passage to Zakynthos (WL 7)
After staying in Kalamata for quite a while and got fixed some of our boat issues, we decided to make again some more miles in one go. So we started our first night passage on board of Hakuna Matata. First…
Enjoying Kalamata while doing some boat works (WL 6)
We planned to only do two nights in Kalamata Marina before we head further, but then decided to do some boat works here as the infrastructure is just fine. No urgent issues to be fixed, but our cleat needed some…
Heading round Peloponnes and doing lots of miles! (WL 5)
On 4th August we said good bye to Stefan and Flo that left that day. On the same day my uncle arrived at Kalamata airport. We met at Astros and planned to do a lot of miles to get round…
First guest crew on board! (WL4)
Astros (Peloponnes, Greece) is a very nice Greek town with a wide bay, a port and many local shops. After our bumpy ride we were really happy to have some time to relax. So we stayed 2 nights anchoring out…
Our anchor windlass broke again and other challenges (WL3)
Wow it is already week 3 of our boat adventure! Unbeliveable! Monday, 19th July we decided to stay in the nice bay of Dokos to enjoy some more peace, swimming and SUPing. Captain to be! On Tuesday we sailed West…
Doing everything for the first time (WL2)
As you could read last time, we survived our time on the dock in Almira Shipyard. Buying a boat, going into the water the first time, means doing everything for the first time although we are experienced with boats and…