Weekly Log

Round Tour Canary Islands, let’s prepare! (WL 29)

Returning to Lanzarote after a 6 week break in Austria was nice. While in Austria winter was still present, spring was already awaiting us in Puerto Calero. Next plan was to visit some of the Canary Islands, so we waited for a good moment to set sail further to Fuerteventura.

During this week we checked systems, went shopping to fill our fridge and pantry, tried our lights and maintained the engine. Everything you should do when heading out for a longer passage. Preparation is key. Our plan is to hop from anchor spot to anchor spot or marina to marina, only doing the island crossings as longer passages. So first stop will be somewhere in the east of Fuerteventura.

We had nice cocktails in our favorite bar in Lanzarote: La Delicatezza

We also visited our favorite places on lanzarote, for example Mirador del Rio:

And did lots of shopping as mentioned:

And had a nice Mini-Golf play at Puerto del Carmen. Then finally the day had come to set sails…

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